Message Board Help
Welcome to our Message Board, desktop version. We have created this board to help members interact with each other.
One of the first goals is to have a way for members to find chess players who wish to play chess at any time.
Here are the key steps:
First, click on the Message Board banner in the right panel of the home page of
Here are the key steps to follow on the ProBoards platform:
1) REGISTER or LOGIN (upper right hand corner below top banner). Note that registration is required to use message board.
2) The first category is "Any Time Chess."
3) The first board in this category is "Chess Players Looking to Challenge Other Players." Click on this board.
4) You will notice that I made the first thread "Looking to play chess?" Click on it.
5) My thread indicates my interest and other parrticulars.
6) If you would like to respond to this thread, write your response in the box below where is states "Quick Reply." Then click "Post Quick Reply."
7) You can create a similar threat to list yourself. Go to the previous page, i.e., "Chess Players Looking to Challenge Other Players", board and create a new thread.
8) The button is in the upperright hand corner "Create Thread."
9) Write a subject and then your particulars, mention your preferences, rating, location, etc.
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