Curious about your chess skill level? Try this chess skills test to get an estimate of your Elo rating.
My result was 1680 which seems about right. Any one out there who tested above 2000? Please comment below.
To get an 'official' rating you have to be a member of the US Chess Federation (USCF) and play 26 games USCF-rated games. Until the official rating is designated, the player will have a provisional rating.
These Elo ratings designate a certain skill level. Here is a basic breakdown of what these ratings mean.
Our chess club has several 'A' players but no Experts yet (estimated).
The world's top-10 male players have ratings above 2700 (2500 for female players).
My result was 1680 which seems about right. Any one out there who tested above 2000? Please comment below.
To get an 'official' rating you have to be a member of the US Chess Federation (USCF) and play 26 games USCF-rated games. Until the official rating is designated, the player will have a provisional rating.
These Elo ratings designate a certain skill level. Here is a basic breakdown of what these ratings mean.
- 1200-1399 = 'D' player - usually a beginner
- 1400-1599 = 'C' player - average club or tournament player
- 1600 - 1799 = 'B' player - consistently above average
- 1800-1999 = 'A' player - strong club player, usually has lots of opening knowledge
- 2000-2199 = 'Expert' - extremely strong, consistent player with the possibility of achieving Master rating
- 2200-2399 = 'Master' - strongest amateur ran
- 2400-2499 = 'International Master (IM)'
- 2500+ = 'Grandmaster (GM)'
Our chess club has several 'A' players but no Experts yet (estimated).
The world's top-10 male players have ratings above 2700 (2500 for female players).